Media Studies Online

Science & Culture


As a human endeavor, science is included in our broader concepts of culture. Social studies of science is a broad, inter- and multidisciplinary field of research and practice, including taking a humanities perspective in the study of science as a cultural phenomenon. There are many, many approaches to this field of study, including using intersectional critical approaches to analysis (such as feminist and postcolonial theory), the study of literature and science, examining the celebrity of science communicators and representation of science in popular culture, as well as the development of "art-science" as an interdisciplinary field of inquiry and practice.

I am interested in cultural studies of science, or inquiries into the ways in which scientific knowledge is formed and shaped within cultural frames and specific cultural and historical contexts. I am especially fascinated in the discourses that emerge in and between scientific knowledge and media, art, and popular culture which both influence and reflect ways of knowing and public understanding of science.


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