Lenni Lenape
Lënii Lënapeyok

Original People
This site is currently maintained near Coaquannock ("Grove of Tall Pines") in Lenapehoking, the ancestral and traditional homelands of the Lenni-Lenape. The nations who have remained within their homelands are the Lenape Nation of Pennsylvania, the Lenape Indian Tribe of Delaware, the Nanticoke Lenni-Lenape Tribal Nation (NJ) and Ramapo Munsee Lenape Nation (NJ). The Lenape nations which were forcibly removed from their homelands are the Delaware Nation (OK), the Delaware Nation at Moraviantown (ON, Canada), the Delaware of Six Nations (ON, Canada), the Delaware Tribe of Indians (OK), the Munsee-Delaware Nation (ON, Canada), and the Stockbridge-Munsee Community Band of Mohican Indians (WI)

Further Reading
- Lenape Nation of Pennsylvania. (2018). Retrieved from https://www.lenape-nation.org/
- Native Land Digital. (2023). Retrieved from https://native-land.ca/