Media Studies Online

Learner Inquiry Project (EDT 520)

Project Description

This project aims to invite educational leaders and administrators to adopt an inquiry stance to the challenge of integrating media and information literacy into our core instruction and curriculum. Like many public school districts, there is not a comprehensive approach to media and information literacy instruction. Our district is currently writing our K-12 library and information skills learning goals based on the AASL Standards Framework for Learners. However, these standards and learning goals will likely still face the challenges of being perceived as something “extra.” With this in mind, the goal of this workshop is to engage colleagues into generating questions and brainstorming opportunities for media and information literacy instruction across the curriculum.

This workshop will likely occur during a regularly scheduled meeting time, and ideally an hour will be allotted for the brainstorming and learning activities. As a warm up activity or icebreaker, I plan to ask participants to define or describe the role of the school library without using the words “book” or “read” using the platform Padlet. My hope is that this will provide a low-stakes way for participants to begin challenging their thinking and asking questions. From there, I will share some information and data about media consumption, digital skills, and misinformation and disinformation to illustrate the need for media and information literacy instruction. I will then invite participants to explore some resources, chat with their colleagues, and share ideas, questions, and thoughts via the virtual whiteboard platform, Mural. To wrap up, we will highlight some key questions and ideas that came out of our brainstorming session and I will share a Google Form exit ticket for participants to share their learning individually and provide feedback for the workshop.

Facilitator Resources

Participant Reference Resources

Sharing Tools


Guiding Question

How might we we ensure that all students graduate equipped with the digital, media and information literacy skills
necessary to be clear and effective communicators and self-directed and lifelong learners?

Marzano Focused School Leader Evaluation Model Standards

Domain 2: Instruction of a Viable and Guaranteed Curriculum

Learning Goals

By the end of this session, participants will be able to:


Assessment for this kind of workshop with colleagues will include both assessment of learning and evaluation of the session itself. While I certainly won’t be grading my colleagues, having a clear sense of strengths, areas for growth, and new learning will be very important in informing my work moving forward. I will be collecting ideas and questions from participants using the four sharing tools mentioned above. First, the Padlet will introduce the warm-up question: “Without using the word ‘book’ or ‘read,’ describe the role of the school library.” I will then provide some more background information and goals for the session, and participants will be invited to explore the resources provided and share ideas in the brainstorming Mural, which is organized as a grid:

K-5 6-8 9-12 District
Current Strengths
Areas of Need

I may pre-load some items in some of the cells, just to provide a model and break the anxiety of a blank white canvas. For example, a current strength at K-5 is that there are Common Sense Media lessons already integrated into the curriculum, and an opportunity at middle school is the interest in reading news and studying current events.

I'll also plan to share a simple Google Form exit ticket allowing participants to share their learning, ideas, and questions individually, as well as share feedback about the session. We also regularly use Google Docs for our running meeting agendas and notes, so this may also provide some information for me to use.

Using the data and feedback I have collected, I will assess learning according to a single point rubric. This will allow me to identify strengths and areas for growth as I move forward with future workshops or one-on-one follow up.

Areas for Growth Criteria Strengths
Demonstrates desire to broaden and deepen understandings.
Reflects and questions assumptions and possible misconceptions.
Describe media and information literacy needs at selected phase level.
Generate and share ideas for media and information literacy instruction.


My hope for this workshop is that participants will come away with a better understanding of the role and need for media and information literacy instruction and begin generating ideas for how we can achieve these learning goals for our students. These align with the Marzano School Leader standards I have identified under the instruction and curriculum domain. I also hope to invite my colleagues to generate questions as a practice unto itself – we’re often accustomed to asking clarifying questions in a learning environment, but in this case I want participants to purposefully develop questions as part of the learning experience. I’m excited about this prospect, but I also recognize that this process can be foreign to many learners (both young learners and adults), so I actually ended up changing my “Questions?” row to “Wonders?” Asking “What are you wondering?” is very different from asking “What questions do you have?” I know that many of my colleagues will be thinking in terms of their own building, their staff, and their grade level, so that’s why I wanted to make this shared grid that is both divided by grade levels, but also something everyone can work on at once. So perhaps someone may see a question arise at the elementary level that makes them think of something happening at the high school level. I’m very excited about the prospect of this learning session, and I really hope that I am able to create an environment in which my colleagues feel comfortable asking questions and sharing their ideas.

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